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Friday, April 17, 2009

"No Sense for Sauce"

"What is pasta without sauce?" some people would argue that it is not pasta at all, just noodles and stuff. If that is the case, I should just say this is a recipe for noodles and stuff. When living in Austria, I worked for an Italian family and had the opportunity to spend some time in their wonderful country. In my opinion, the Italians didn't use sauce that much and their pizza, pastas, and other dishes were full of flavor and incredibly delicious regardless. The lady I worked for taught me a lot about her native cooking and showed me that it isn't about the amount but, how each ingredient works together. Since then, it seems like everything I make, might not be that exact same as before and may keep changing each time I make them. This pasta for instance is one of my recipes that changes every time I make it. Sometimes, I don't feel like adding something, or sometimes I don't have something and use something else, or sometimes, I add something more than I usually do. So, maybe it will always be a work in progress. This simple pasta can be changed anyway you like it and even if you choose to add sauce to it, that is something extra you're going to have to risk on your own, I haven't needed it (yet :). Here are the ingredients for my so called "Sauceless Pasta" and how it comes together.
Ingredients (I use mostly):
Pasta- Angel hair, Spaghetti, Linguine, or Pene is a great choice.
After cooking the pasta to desired doneness, toss with olive oil and dried/fresh:
Dill weed
* Use together or individually. Try a little at a time until it smells good together or by itself.
For the bigger Additions:
Grilled cut chicken breast
Roma tomatoes or diced stewed tomatoes or Italian style stewed tomatoes (drained)
Marinated Artichokes (drained)
Sometimes I will add, mushrooms, crumbled bacon, and/or olives.

Season with same suggested herbs above and maybe a little salt and pepper to taste.
You really don't need any sauce, it tastes fresh, delicious, and it is good for you (maybe not the bacon, but who is really worried :). It is even great meatless.
Don't forget to top with fresh grated Parmesan cheese!
What name would you give this recipe, any suggestions?
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