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Monday, April 11, 2011

April's Giveaway- How To Books

Starting this spring, we at Saltbox House Cooking Exchange would like to start a new theme for the rest of the year. This year, we want to start focusing on self sufficiency. There are so many things to learn about self sufficiency when it comes to the food. Whether it is growing a garden, canning some vegetables or even butchering your own cow. We know, that sounds a bit unorthodox, but it is a living for many who have already become used to living off the land and taking advantage of Earth's natural creations. With all there is to learn about self sufficiency and living off the land, we decided to get people more excited about it with our giveaways. Each month until harvest time sets in, we are giving away something that has to do with self sufficiency. These things will range from books, Kitchen and garden supplies, gift cards, and more. All we ask in return is for you to share some of your personal wisdom and what you'd like to learn more about.

We are starting off the give away with the How To Books brought to you by Stackpolebooks.com. You may have recognized their books from the local book store or even Costco and noticed that they are these books are almost as thick as they are tall ;). They have everything you ever wanted to know about the subject titled. In my copy of Country Wisdom for example, I have read almost everything you'd want to know about living off the land; from making your own soap to raising your own chickens. In fact, they have a whole section on canning and preserving along with some great recipes that I have come to love! I would recommend these books to anyone interested in knowing more about starting from scratch or making use of the things around them.

If you are interested in these books, enter our giveaway (details at the bottom of this post)

You could win your choice of one of these great books!

3 Easy Steps

Step # 1- Go to the top of this blog that says "Search by Label" and choose a topic that interests you. Pick a post that teaches you something about self sufficiency. Leave a comment on that post itself about what you learned. If the post doesn't really have anything to do with self sufficiency choose another or go to the next step.

Step # 2- Leave a comment on this post telling us what post you found and what you learned. If it didn't have anything to do with self sufficiency, then tell us what you'd like to learn more about that pertains to self sufficiency.

Step # 3- List the books on that same comment. Starting with the one you'd like the most as #1 to the one you'd like the least as # 5.

You should have 1-2 comments
(one on the searched post -if you found one- and one on this post to enter the drawing)

This Drawing ends April 30!

You must be a follower via Blogger or Facebook to enter.
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Aaron and Carolyn said...

We are moving to a zone 2 climate which means the gardening is very poor. I am interested in green houses and gardening in them. I am a canner and hope to continue to grow and can my own food. I tried to post on a post where you talked about gardening but it wouldn't let me. I would actually like these books in order that you have them listed- most to least. Country wisdom, gardening, survival, etc.

abby's photo shoppe said...

I posted on the "Produce your Garden" post again. I really want to became self sufficient and one day want to go all out producing as much on my own as I can.
And I am right there with Aaron and Carolyn where I prefer the books in the order given.
Cool post!

Michelle Evans said...

Wow! I'm really excited to keep up with the forthcoming sefl-sufficiency posts. I've been trying to learn a few things lateley, but it's been slow going. I'm glad to have all these amazing families sharing their wisdom!! I just posted a comment on a tips post and was particularly excited about the prospect of freezing milk. I never thought of that before, but I think I'll give it a try. All these books look amazing. I think I'd rank them like this:
1. Country
2. Survival
3. Natural Healing
4. Garden
5. Craft

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